Fleas & TicksPeninsula Pest Control exterminates fleas and ticks with the most up-to-date solutions on the market.
Fleas & Ticks
While fleas and ticks have always been a major concern for pet owners, many don’t realize that it is possible for fleas to jump from pets to your home and your own body. Ticks can spread limes disease.
At Peninsula Pest Control Ltd, our exterminators can successfully get rid of the infestations in your home.
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As fleas feed on blood, they can be responsible for spreading diseases that can be harmful to your pets and your family. You should take your dog or cat to the vet at the first sign of a flea problem. If the fleas, however, have already made the jump to your home, our team can get rid of them quickly and safely.
Fleas & Ticks
First Signs
A flea infestation commonly starts on pets before transferring to your home. There are several signs you should be aware of, including:
- Unusual amounts of licking and scratching
- Hair loss in areas that are being scratched
- Large red patches of skin
- Red-brown specks on your pet’s body or in areas of your home
Fleas and ticks can wreak havoc on your home and pets. Protect your pet and yourself with these simple tips:
- Keep your grass mowed and shrubs trimmed
- Do not leave dog food or cat food outside
- Discourage entry of stray animals and wildlife into your yard
- Use spot-on flea or tick treatments on your pets
- Use a flea comb or brush through your pet’s coat
- Have your pet shaved down for the summer
- Keep your house clean
Call now to speak to our team and learn what we can do to combat fleas.
“The exterminator at Peninsula Pest Control was professional, quick and had solved our problem in one afternoon.”
M. Ferrel, Client
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